Sunday, November 6, 2011

Chemistry Reactions and Heat Lab

How does heat create chemical reactions?

Heat will accelerate chemical reactions due to the energy transferred, making the atoms more excited.

Cody and I took an alka-seltzer tablet and put it into water of three temperaters. First, our hot water test. When we placed the tablet into hot water, the fizz that it was created was instant, and fast. The temperature was 50 degrees Celcious, and the time it took to dissolve was roughly 25.19 seconds.

The room temperature lab was slightly different.  This time, when the tablet was inserted, it took a little bit longer to disolve, clocking in at 33.67 seconds. This could be because the water was not as warm, therefore not transferring the energy that makes the molecules more excited. The reaction happened slower, and longer.

The final test we conducted was the cold water test, which involved placing a tablet into a cup of water with ice. The temperature was about .5 degrees celcious. When the tablet fell in, my lab partner and I knew it would be quite different from the tests before. This test lasted a whole 2.33.53 minutes. We predict this was becuase when hot water sped up the resuts, the cold water slowed them down.

In conclusion, my hypothesis was correct. In hot water, the reaction was faster. In cold water, the reaction was slower.

This is an average graph, showing how the higher the temperature, the shorter the time it took for the tablet to disslve. The colder the temperature, the longer it took for the tablet to dissolve.

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